Welcome to our blog page where we will add new articles to keep you up to date with the latest practice news.
Spring Refresher: Grooming Tips For Cockapoos And Doodles
by Sarah
It’s really important to groom cockapoos and doodles regularly, particularly in spring, to prevent the loose fur from forming tangles and mats in their coats.Read more
Can Dogs And Cats Ever Get Along?
by Sarah
There is a stereotype that cats and dogs simply cannot be in the same area and groomed the same way, but studies suggest that this might not be strictly true.Read more
Top Tips For Keeping Your Dog Active And Happy In Winter
by Sarah
Here are some tips to keep your dog moving even if the sofa seems the appealing option. You may wish to consider our canine hydrotherapy service in London. Read more
Signs That Your Dog Could Benefit From Hydrotherapy Services
by Sarah
We naturally want our pets to be happy and healthy. Here are some telltale signs that all might not be well, and that your dog might benefit from hydrotherapy. Read more
How To Prepare Your Dog For Their First Grooming Appointment
by Sarah
It is helpful to prepare your pet in advance for a dog grooming appointment so they are feeling relaxed and ready for a new experience. Here are some tips.Read more
Dog Socialisation: What Is It And How Can Dog Daycare Help?
by Sarah
If you have a young dog, no doubt you are investing in some training time. Here’s a look at the importance of canine socialisation and how dog daycare can help.Read more
How Physiotherapy Can Enhance Quality Of Life For Older Dogs
by Sarah
As pet owners, we want to do the best we can to keep them happy as they age. Here’s a look at how physiotherapy can benefit dogs who are seven years or older.Read more
The Different Types Of Dog Coat And How To Care For Them
by Sarah
Grooming is an important part of caring for a dog to keep them looking good and prevent matting. Here’s a look at the grooming requirements of three coat types.Read more
Can A Dog Try Hydrotherapy If They Are Scared Of Water?
by Sarah
Hydrotherapy is ideal for helping dogs dealing with joint pains, injuries, or otherwise struggling to exercise, but can they try it if they are scared of water?Read more
What To Do If Your Dog Has A Tick
by Sarah
Dogs might love running through long grass, but owners should be cautious about their pets getting bitten by a tick. Here are tips on preventing tick bites.Read more
How To Avoid Common Mistakes When Grooming Your Fluffy Dog
by Sarah
The best and worst part of having a dog with a fluffy coat is grooming, as whilst it can be a wonderful moment for pet and owner to bond, it is far from easy.Read more
How Grooming Can Help To Keep Your Dog Cool During Summer
by Sarah
It is essential to keep your dog well groomed with regular haircuts over the summer, as this will prevent them from overheating during those extremely hot days.Read more
Should Dogs Eat Ice Cream?
by Sarah
The weather is warming up (finally) so many of you will be heading to your local ice cream parlour for some refreshing frozen treats over the coming weeks and months. If you’re out on a walk with your dog then chances are you won't want to leave them out. But while…Read more
Dog Hydrotherapy: What Conditions Can It Help With?
by Sarah
As dog owners, we all want the best for our four-legged friends. So if our dogs are ever struck down by injury or illness, naturally we’ll want to do all we can to help them get better. Luckily, these days there are various treatments that can help our poorly pooches get…Read more
Preparing Your Dog For The Upcoming Summer
by Sarah
When the mercury rises, your dog’s grooming requirements could well change, with more frequent trims and shampoos often needed. See more on the blog now. Read more
Easter Dangers Dog Owners Should Be Aware Of
by Sarah
Most people look forward to Easter weekend whether they are religious or not, as it is a great reason to enjoy a four-day break from work, seeing family, spoiling your pet with some spring dog grooming, and enjoying some delicious treats. However, dog owners need to make sure they think carefully…Read more
6 Mistakes All New Dog Owners Must Avoid
by Sarah
In the interests of keeping your new dog healthy and you sane, here are six mistakes many new dog owners often make that you should avoid repeating yourself.Read more
What Can Happen If You Put Off Your Dog’s Grooming?
by Sarah
If you’re a proud dog owner, chances are you want to keep your furry friend in great condition, which should involve regular trips to the grooming salon. Having said that, when life is throwing a million and one hurdles your way, it can be tempting to delay some of life’s less…Read more
5 Reasons Why You Need To Groom Your Dog In Winter
by Sarah
Winter is here and as the mercury drops, it’s time to think about your dog's grooming treatments. Although many dog owners mistakenly believe that their furry friends' grooming can take a backseat in the winter, this couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, it’s just as important, if not more…Read more
Cockapoo Grooming: Why It Pays To Hire A Professional
by Sarah
Without doubt, cockapoos are one of the best dogs to have as a family pet. Friendly, outgoing and as happy chasing a ball as they are cuddling up to their owners for snuggles, these dogs are known for stealing their owners’ hearts! But if you’re the proud owner of a cockapoo,…Read more
5 Of The Most Challenging Breeds To Groom
by Sarah
As a dog owner, naturally you want your pet to look and feel their best. This is why grooming is such a fundamental part of responsible dog ownership as it ensures your dog stays healthy and happy! Although it’s always recommended to let a professional take care of your dog’s treatments,…Read more
Shampoo Treatment Needed After Reservoir Swim
by Sarah
Pet owners may have to book a dog grooming appointment after their pets go for a reservoir swim, as they could end up with green fur after their splash around. Read more
Hydrotherapy vs. Physiotherapy: Tailoring Canine Care
by Sarah
Discover the differences between hydrotherapy & physiotherapy for dogs. Tailoring care to breeds with the best tips to keep your pup comfortable throughout.Read more
The Longest-Running UK Television Show About Dogs
by Sarah
One of the biggest reasons why a dog should look their best is when they are a star on TV, and in the UK there was one show they were most likely to appear on.Read more
How Often Does A Cockapoo Need Grooming?
by Sarah
Dog owners need to book their pet in for Cockapoo grooming every four to six weeks to ensure their fur does not become knotted, and brush their fur regularly.Read more
How Do Our Dogs Show Us They Love Us?
Many of us love our family pets more than we love people and we clearly show them this by giving them love and attention, but how do dogs show it?Read more
Best Place In Britain For A Doggy Holiday Named
by Sarah
New research has uncovered the most dog-friendly place to go on holiday in Britain, but don’t forget that dog daycare in Chiswick can be just as big a treat.Read more
How Do You Know If Your Dog Trusts You? Secrets Revealed!
by Sarah
You can gain trust from your dog by showing care for them, including giving them baths, booking cockapoo haircuts, creating a routine, and sharing your bed. Read more
RSPA Warns Dog Yoga Compromises Animal Welfare
by Sarah
The RSPCA has warned against puppy yoga, as it can be detrimental to their health, making them feel frightened of things and leading to behavioural problems. Read more
Dog Owners Warned To Be Equipped For Summer Dangers
Summer can bring various perils for dogs, from ticks and hot tarmac to eating sand, so a spot of dog daycare in Chiswick can offer a safe alternative.Read more
Is There A Television Channel Just For Dogs?
In 2012, a television channel launched with a programming lineup that was designed and produced specifically for dogs as a soundtrack for cockapoo groomingRead more
Tips For Keeping Dogs Cool In Hot Weather
by Sarah
Hot temperatures can be extremely difficult for dogs. Here are tips to keep your pets safe during the recent sunny spell, including having a cockapoo haircut. Read more
How A German Shepherd Saved From War Saved Hollywood
by Sarah
Whilst Rin Tin Tin was not the first canine film star, nor the most famous to modern audiences, arguably he was the most famous and important of the dog actors.Read more
What Is The Longest-Running TV Show About Dogs?
One of the most famous dogs in film history was also the star of the longest-running canine TV show of all time until it was cancelled for the strangest reason.Read more
How physiotherapy Can Help Post-Accident Recovery
by Sarah
If your dog is injured in an accident, recovery may take a long time and a lot of vet bills. But dog physiotherapy in London will make a huge difference.Read more
Paul O’Grady’s Funeral Features Battersea Dog Home Friends
Paul O’Grady always encouraged dog owners to take responsibility for doodle grooming, walking and loving their pets, which is why they featured in his funeral. Read more
How To Prepare Your Dog For Grooming
by Sarah
Grooming animals can be a tedious task, especially if your pet is more on the enthusiastic side and tends to never sit still. This often means that a professional groomer is more suited to getting the job done than yourself, but how do you prepare your dog to behave for…Read more
The Surprising Impact Of Petting Virtual Dogs
A social media account dedicated to showing when you can pet virtual animals has had a huge effect on the computer game landscape and how it inspires empathy.Read more
Doggy Daycare Preparation Tips
Dog daycare is incredibly helpful for those who work a lot or who are out of the house for extended periods of time and don’t like to leave their pets at home alone. Not only can it be distressing for animals to be left alone all day, they can also…Read more
Should You Give Your Dog A Spring Clean?
We talk about giving our home a spring clean, our winter wardrobes a sort through, and even our own style a shake-up once the days brighten up. But should you give your dog a new make-over in the springtime? The short answer is ‘yes’. Though canines need regular grooming all year…Read more
What It Takes To Be A Good Dog Owner
When considering having a dog, there is a lot to think about and the decision shouldn’t be taken lightly. Dogs need lots of love, attention, and care, so you should only commit yourself if you are confident you can give them this. Here are some things you need to be sure…Read more
Harness the way forward with your dog.
Choosing to walk you dog in a harness is great decision for a couple of reasons:- * Safety- much more difficult to escape and more secure if a part should fail * Compassionate – if the dog is to pull or yank; the compression on the neck (spinal column too!) is removed No…Read more
30-Year-Old Portuguese Dog Breaks World Record
Dog hydrotherapy relieves your pet’s muscles and joints, but the world’s oldest dog, 30-year-old Bobi, has had a long life because of his peaceful environment. Read more
How A Dog-Themed Game Show May Have Changed TV History
People love dogs and love seeing them on TV, with the pampered pets seen on the screen often inspiring cockapoo grooming styles at home. Every year at the start of March we see the strongest evidence of this, as Crufts regularly captures a considerable audience, as do other similar events around the world. However,…Read more
Give Your Dog Their Own Valentine’s Treat
by Sarah
With February 14th looming on the horizon, many people will be starting to book restaurants, buy cards and chocolates and maybe even take a trip to the jewellers before asking the most important question of their lives. However, it is not like that for everyone. Some folk are single but have…Read more
Cold Water is a danger
The winter time can be a fun part of the year for your dog. While it may be cold, they can avoid the summer perils of red hot pavements and dehydration, while rolling around in the snow could be a great adventure for them. At the same time, for dogs and…Read more
Disney Made Three Winter Films About Dogs In Six Years
Because people love dogs so much, there are a lot of films about the animals, in basically every type of story imaginable, and a reason why some owners get cockapoo grooming is to ensure their pet’s coat is ready for its close-up. One film company that loves making films about dogs…Read more
Top Dog Takes Up Residence In Downing Street
The recent whirlwind of political comings and goings in Downing Street has led to all kinds of hot debates, but one issue has been completely overlooked - dogs. Boris Johnson’s Jack Russell cross Dilyn was a well-known sight during his time in office, so dog lovers might have been disappointed when…Read more
Dogtown Therapy has a new upgrade!
Introducing the pulse electromagnetic full body mat! PEMF is a scientifically proven device that uses an electromagnetic field to stimulate cells, boosting healing capabilities, reducing inflammation and providing pain relief from 4 hours up to 4 days after each session!! This is ideal for treating both acute and chronic pain and is beneficial…Read more
The Importance Of Grooming For Cockapoos
Cockapoos have become one of the most popular cross-breeds in the UK, and whether they have arrived as a lockdown pet or as the dog owners always wanted, these attractive and delightful creatures make wonderful companions. As ever, the joys of owning a pet come with great responsibility and every responsible…Read more
Severely Obese Jack Russell On Road To Recovery
Lily, an eight-year-old Jack Russell dog, is starting a healthier and happier life with her new owner after being found seriously overweight. Dogs Today Magazine reports that the pet was overfed and under exercised, to the extent that she was twice her ideal weight, and resembled a puffer fish. The RSPCA…Read more
5 Tips For A Stress-Free Trip To The Vets With Your Dog
It is important to take your dog for regular veterinary check-ups, to keep them up to date with vaccinations and to prevent more serious problems from building up. However, some dogs will soon associate a trip to the vets with disagreeable experiences, and become difficult to manage. Here are some…Read more
Owners Warned Dogs At Risk Of Post-Covid Anxiety
The pandemic may have seen a major surge in dog ownership, but this could lead to a challenging situation as restrictions ease and many owners return to the office. As the BBC reports, many dogs are struggling with this as their owners get back to work and leave them behind…Read more