Cockapoo Grooming: Why It Pays To Hire A Professional

10th November 2023 by Sarah

Without doubt, cockapoos are one of the best dogs to have as a family pet. Friendly, outgoing and as happy chasing a ball as they are cuddling up to their owners for snuggles, these dogs are known for stealing their owners’ hearts!

But if you’re the proud owner of a cockapoo, you’ll know that their one drawback is they tend to require quite a lot of grooming. Without regular care and attention, their long and shaggy coats can become matted and knotted. Likewise, their facial hair can cause issues with the eyes if it’s not regularly trimmed.

While some dog owners may prefer to take care of their cockapoo grooming themselves, this DIY approach often delivers less-than-stellar results. Here we’ll explain why it usually pays to hire a professional dog groomer to take care of your cockapoo’s treatments. 

Issues Caused By DIY Grooming

When you decide to carry out your cockapoo's treatments yourself, this can create a number of issues. These include:


One of the main reasons you may choose to get the professionals in as opposed to taking care of your dog’s grooming yourself is it can be extremely frustrating. Assuming you don’t have any specialist skills in dog grooming, chances are you’ll struggle to carry out the procedures effectively. 

By becoming annoyed, this may also put you off carrying out the treatments the next time your dog needs a trim, which can lead to some health issues and land you in trouble with the law! By allowing us to take care of the treatment, you can avoid this frustration and you won’t be tempted to put it off next time!


Carrying out at-home grooming isn’t just stressful for the owner, it can also prove traumatic for your dog too. When grooming techniques aren’t carried out properly, this can lead to discomfort and anxiety for your cockapoo. 

These stressful experiences can create bad memories for your furry friend. So you can expect non-compliance then next time your dog sees you getting the clippers or scissors out of the drawer!

Unprofessional Results

Unless you’re professionally trained or you have extensive experience in grooming dogs, chances are the results will be less than impressive. Uneven trims, jagged edges and patchy fur are all common sights when dog owners choose to groom their own pets.

As well as the aesthetic results, you may also harm your pets. When it comes to certain treatments like trimming nails and cutting hair in sensitive areas, this requires specialist knowledge to help keep your pet safe. We know you’d never intentionally harm your dog, but it’s not uncommon for DIY grooming to go drastically wrong, so keep this in mind.

Benefits Of Hiring A Professional

Now we’ve seen the issues DIY grooming can create, let’s take a look at the advantages of hiring  professionals to do the job instead. These include:

Expert Precision

Professional groomers have the skills, training and experience to groom your Cockapoo with both precision and care. We know how to maintain their unique coat texture, ensuring a beautiful look that’s aesthetically pleasing and, more importantly, comfortable for your dog.

Professional Tools And Products

As professional groomers, we have access to top-quality tools and products that make the whole process smoother and more effective. This includes the right brushes, clippers, shampoos and conditioners to help get your looking its best!

Stress-Free Experience

We’re well-versed in the specialist skill of handling dogs, including those that may be nervous or anxious during grooming. We can help create a calm and relaxing environment, which ensures a stress-free experience for you and your pet.

Health Check

One area of grooming that often gets overlooked is the expertise professionals have in spotting potential health issues. We know the anatomy of dogs well, and while we don’t claim to be vets, we may spot issues owners could miss which in some cases prove to be life-saving.

It’s not uncommon for us to spot skin problems, ear infections or identify joint pain, allowing for early intervention and treatment.

Convenience And Peace of Mind

Last but not least, taking your cockapoo to a professional grooming salon provides both convenience and peace of mind. By bringing your dog to our salon, you can relax, safe in the knowledge your pet is in safe hands.

So that’s how you can benefit from hiring a professional to groom your pet. As well as ensuring the treatments are carried out to an excellent standard, it’s also by far the most convenient and stress-free option.

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"Both day care & grooming is amazing - wouldn't be with anyone else" Paula Jenner
"My dog loves going to Dogtown daycare" Hannah Evans
"Always look after my dog brilliantly" Carolyn W
"Highly recommended" Madelaine Taylor
"I was immediately reassured by the lovely attitude of the staff" Laura Kettle
"I've been bringing our dog to Dogtown East Sheen (Daycare) for several years now. Fantastic team and our dog loves her time there!".... Mark Robertson
"Very friendly and professional" Nikita
"The whole team is very nice and knowledgable" Mimi Adam
"Knowledgeable, professional and a pleasure to deal with" Sasha M
"I’ve been coming to Dogtown for around a year now, to have hydrotherapy for my dog Pickle The team have always been wonderful & friendly, and there has been a massive improvement"..... Katie Hitchcock