Doggy Daycare Preparation Tips

11th April 2023

Dog daycare is incredibly helpful for those who work a lot or who are out of the house for extended periods of time and don’t like to leave their pets at home alone. Not only can it be distressing for animals to be left alone all day, they can also get into all kinds of mischief!

That being said, it is still important to ensure you are fully prepared to leave your dog elsewhere. While dog daycare will have professional staff who know how to look after and care for dogs, you may still wish to take some steps ahead of time to ensure your dog is happy and comfortable.

First, ensuring your dog is happy around other dogs is a must. Dog daycares will vary in size, however there is always going to be other dogs in the centre with your pet.

Making sure your dog is socialised beforehand will not only help ensure your dog is happy and safe, but can make it much easier for the handlers and other animals as well.

A good way to socialise your dog is to take them to dog parks or visit friends and family who have pets as well. This will get your pet used to being around other animals and will teach them how to properly behave in the presence of other dogs.

Another important step to take before joining a doggy daycare is to check all your pets’ medical needs are up to date. Vaccinations and health checks are vital before introducing your animal to other dogs as it eliminates the risk of them accidentally contracting -or passing on- illnesses.

Finally, ensure you research the centre and check if it is a right fit for your animal. Many pet daycares will allow trial days before you sign up, therefore giving you a chance to test the waters and see if this solution is right for you.


Looking for dog daycare in Chiswick? Get in touch with Dogtown today!

Dog Hydrotherapy

Dog Hydrotherapy

Dog hydrotherapy uses the natural elements of water, providing a low impact program of treatment.
Dog Physiotherapy

Dog Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy and our hands-on approach in the water can also help post-surgery or after injury.
Class 4 Laser

Class 4 Laser

We are pleased to announce that we have acquired a top of the range Class 4 laser therapy machine to help your dogs.
Doggy Daycare

Doggy Daycare

We provide daycare for young, old and active dogs and are based in Chiswick & Sheen.
Dog Grooming

Dog Grooming

We are London’s premier grooming centre with purpose designed premises in Chiswick & Sheen
Home Exercises

Home Exercises

We provide a series of videos showing exercises for your dog to help with their mobility and rehabilitation.
"Both day care & grooming is amazing - wouldn't be with anyone else" Paula Jenner
"My dog loves going to Dogtown daycare" Hannah Evans
"Always look after my dog brilliantly" Carolyn W
"Highly recommended" Madelaine Taylor
"I was immediately reassured by the lovely attitude of the staff" Laura Kettle
"I've been bringing our dog to Dogtown East Sheen (Daycare) for several years now. Fantastic team and our dog loves her time there!".... Mark Robertson
"Very friendly and professional" Nikita
"The whole team is very nice and knowledgable" Mimi Adam
"Knowledgeable, professional and a pleasure to deal with" Sasha M
"I’ve been coming to Dogtown for around a year now, to have hydrotherapy for my dog Pickle The team have always been wonderful & friendly, and there has been a massive improvement"..... Katie Hitchcock