Severely Obese Jack Russell On Road To Recovery

Lily, an eight-year-old Jack Russell dog, is starting a healthier and happier life with her new owner after being found seriously overweight. Dogs Today Magazine reports that the pet was overfed and under exercised, to the extent that she was twice her ideal weight, and resembled a puffer fish.

 The RSPCA took over Lily’s care, and found she had sores on her belly where it rubbed the ground as she walked. With a special diet and a regular exercise programme, Lily has lost weight and is enjoying life with her new owner.

According to RSPCA pet welfare expert Dr Samantha Gaines, pet obesity is a growing problem, with nearly half of all pet dogs thought to be overweight. This affects their quality of life, and can lead to heart disease and joint problems. She reminds pet owners that you should be able to see and feel the outline of their ribs without too much difficulty.

How to manage an overweight pet

If you think your dog is carrying too much fat, then it is important to seek advice from a vet. They may encourage you to make a daily log of everything your pet eats, including treats, and the exercise that they have. It is also a good idea to take a weekly photo of your dog from above and the side, so you can see the progress they are making with weight loss.

The vet should also give advice about avoiding fatty and unsuitable foods, including scraps off your plate, measuring out your dog’s food, and establishing a strict feeding routine. Your dog can still have treats, but these should be low calorie, plant-based snacks.

Your dog should gradually embark on an exercise routine, which ideally will include two daily walks of between 20-60 minutes. If your dog is very overweight, they may recommend swimming, which puts less stress on the joints.


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