Signs That Your Dog Could Benefit From Hydrotherapy Services

by Sarah

We naturally want our pets to be happy and healthy, and live pain-free lives. Unfortunately, animals are programmed to disguise pain and will often go to great lengths to avoid showing they are in discomfort. However, there are some telltale signs that all might not be well, and your dog might benefit from hydrotherapy. Here are some signs to look out for.


The most obvious sign of discomfort is that your dog is limping. This could just be a slight favouring of one leg, or a more pronounced limp. Hydrotherapy can help your dog to strengthen the muscles and ligaments in the affected area and to take low-impact exercise without putting any pressure on the joints.

Difficulty or reluctance to use the stairs

If your dog used to bound up and down the stairs without a second thought, but now they are hesitant or slow, then this could be a sign of joint pain, muscle stiffness or weakness. There may be underlying causes such as arthritis or hip dysplasia. Hydrotherapy can help by loosening up the muscles and joints and relieving pain.

They are putting on weight

As dogs age or are in hidden pain, they can be prone to putting on weight because they are less active than usual and struggle to take sufficient exercise. Hydrotherapy can help by allowing your dog to take meaningful but low-impact exercise that will manage weight, particularly when combined with a careful diet. 

Yelping, whining, growling or whimpering

Most dogs whimper and whine, or occasionally yelp with pain. However, if your dog is whimpering or whining for no obvious reason, such as when they are lying in a warm comfortable bed, then they could be in pain. You may also notice that they yelp when they make strenuous movements such as jumping onto furniture.

Your dog may also yelp when you touch certain areas of their body, or even growl when you come near. Hydrotherapy is a good all-round treatment to help them loosen up and manage pain. 

They are reluctant to go for walks

If once your dog was eagerly demanding to go out for their morning walk, but now they linger and need lots of encouragement, it could be a sign that they have joint or muscle pain. Your dog may walk more slowly than usual, be less playful and adventurous off the lead, or soon tire and want to go home.

Hydrotherapy can help by rebuilding muscle mass and increasing their stamina.

Changes in gait or posture

If your dog is taking shorter steps than usual, dragging their paws, wobbling or hanging their head, it could be a sign of neurological or musculoskeletal problems.

Why choose hydrotherapy?

When your dog’s weight is supported by water, they are able to exercise much more easily without putting stress on the area that is causing them pain. The therapy can be adapted to your dog’s particular needs, whether weight loss, post-surgery recovery, coordination, inflammation, or stamina.