Spring Refresher: Grooming Tips For Cockapoos And Doodles

by Sarah

As the weather begins to warm up, it’s time to give your dog a spring clean! This is especially important if they are a breed with a thick curly coat such as a cockapoo or a doodle. In spring, you may notice that your dog doesn’t shed as much fur as other breeds, but this is because the fur tends to become trapped in the abundant curls.

Therefore it’s really important to groom cockapoos and doodles regularly, particularly in spring, to prevent the loose fur from forming tangles and mats in their coats. Brushing also helps to distribute oils evenly throughout their coat, keeping the hairs strong, soft and shiny. It’s best to brush your dog every couple of days or even every day if you can.

In addition, professional doodle or cockapoo grooming is recommended to keep their coat trim and prevent it from overgrowing. This is particularly important in the spring to prevent them from becoming too hot and uncomfortable.

In spring when the weather is transitioning, your dog may still get wet and muddy on walks, while pollen can build up in the coat and may cause allergic reactions. There’s also an increased chance of your dog picking up fleas and ticks. When you brush your dog, get into the habit of checking them over for parasites and nicks or rashes on their skin.

What cuts are suitable for spring?

The cut you go for may depend on factors such as the individual fur type of your dog, how active he or she is, and your personal preference. Popular styles include the teddy bear cut, which involves a closer cut on the legs and face with a slightly longer body.  This is a very cute cut that is a favourite with cockapoo owners. 

The lamb cut is the reverse of the teddy bear, with a shorter body coat and fluffier legs and face. It is more often applied to doodles because it resembles the classic poodle style. It’s a good cut for spring when the temperature is variable, because you can pop a coat on to keep their body warm if it’s chilly, and their face and legs will be naturally protected. 

If you have a very active dog or find their coat difficult to manage, you may prefer a low-maintenance trim that is short all over. This is a smart and practical way to keep your dog comfortable in warmer weather. However, the groomer should leave at least an inch of fur all over to prevent sun damage and for insulation on colder days. 

Other spring grooming tips

As well as regular brushing and grooming, you should also bathe your dog every four to six weeks with a mild shampoo to keep them clean and maintain healthy skin. Check and clean their ears and paws once a week and ensure their nails are regularly trimmed. 

Finally, wash and air your dog’s bedding and anything else that they sit on regularly to remove any pests and bacteria.