Tips For Keeping Dogs Cool In Hot Weather

by Sarah

As exciting as it is to have sunny weather and bright blue skies, the hot temperatures can be extremely difficult for dogs to deal with. Here are some tips to keep your pets safe during the recent sunny spell. 

Avoid walks in the heat

Plan your walks to avoid hot times of the day, only going outside when the weather is cooler. This may mean you take your dog outside after 2000 or before 0900, as the heat has been lasting for many hours of the day recently. 

Pavements can be extremely hot for paws, so stick to grassy areas, if possible. The Dogs Trust suggests doing a five-second tarmac test by holding your hand down for five seconds to determine if it is too hot. 

Use sun-cream

You need to protect your dog against harsh UV rays as much as you do yourself, so do not forget to put pet-specific sun-cream on exposed parts of their skin. 

The tips of their ears and nose, for instance, need protecting against getting burnt. 

Provide shade and water

Make sure you provide constant access to both shade and water, so they are able to cool themselves down and stay hydrated. You might also want to use frozen toys and water sprinklers or let them go in a paddling pool. 

Another idea is putting damp towels down on the floor for them to lie on, though the RSPCA reminds owners never to put this over your pet as it can trap their heat in. 

It is sensible to brush your dog’s hair so their coat remains thin. Getting a cockapoo haircut is also a good idea, as shorter fur will help keep them cooler.