
Lead Times For Initial Consultations.

We are experiencing high demand for Therapy services, to ensure best care we are reviewing each case to ensure those with immediate and urgent needs are being treated with priority. The waiting period for (non urgent ) Initial Consultations are approx 9 - 10 weeks..

Our Therapy:

With our true multi modal team, Dogtown can offer bespoke treatment plans to ensure the best care is delivered to your dog.

Hydrotherapy- We have both pool and underwater treadmill facilities, which allows us to use the benefits of water and trained staff to use the right techniques as part of your dogs rehabilitation.

Physiotherapy - The qualified and experinced team are able to offer 2 types of physio; Firstly the Land Based Physio which allows us to use equipment such as wobble boards and platforms to encourage and build your dogs skill and core structure, Secondly we offer Canine Massage which is amazing for assisting with pain relief and stimulation of muscles so we can get the best results.

Laser - Dogtown offers Class 4 laser and Pulse magentic therapy as an integral part of both hydro and physio. These 2 tools work to improve healing and reduce pain. Class 4 laser has cell stimulating properties so extremlely useful in wound repair and bone/muscle repair ( which is typically hidden ).

The Team at Dogtown have extensive knowledge and a wealth of experience; we will assess and plan the program to match your dogs condition, lifestyle and future; by making clinical decisions through this journey we can offer a bespoke package for them. 

The Dogtown therapy team are qualifed and accredited with various recognised bodies; NARCH and IRVAP, along with vast experience and knowledge thus ensuring you can entrust your dogs care to us.

Many conditions and treatment types will be covered by your insurance, you will need to speak with your own insurance provider to check what your provider will cover.

Conditions & Benefits:

Many conditions benefit from treatment, but some of the most common are:

  • Orthopaedic conditions (inc. dysplasia) Non-weight bearing activity can help improve joint range of motion, strengthen muscles to support joints and relieve pain, stiffness and inflammation
  • Lameness Improved muscle patterning and recruitment, helping to improve gait patterns
  • Degenerative conditions (inc. DJD) Slowing the progression of symptoms and improving quality of life
  • Surgical recovery Allowing a quicker recovery to normal activities for your dog
  • Obesity Weight loss through low impact cardio exercise, reducing joint stress
  • Neurological conditions Sensory stimuli provided by physiotherapy and hydrotherapy can help the redevelopment of neurological pathways and limit loss of muscle tone and joint stiffness during inactivity.

In general, treatment can also help your pet with:

  • Increased muscle mass & strength
  • Decreased pain, pain perception and inflammation
  • Relaxation of muscle tension and/or muscle spasm
  • Reduction of swelling


The Process:

We have dogs join us for treatment for many reasons with our Therapy team in Chiswick and it's our role to make it a postive experience for the dogs and owners alike

If you would go ahead with a Thearpy Initial Consultaion / Therapy for your dog, please complete our Therapy Registration form.

 Therapy Registration form by clicking here.

Please be advised, we work with the dogs without our clients present, therefore you cannot stay with your dog during their Initial Consultation. We do spend time discussing your dogs condition, lifestyle, behaviour and your expectations prior to the full assessment. Experience has shown that the dogs respond and relax much more when owner is not present and we get better engagement in the activity and therefore much greater results.

After you have completed the Therapy Registration Form:

With the information you have provided us by completing the form. We will contact your vet for a referral and the full medical history of your dog. Once all the necessary information has been received, we will then contact you to book your dog in for a Initial Consultation.

Initial Consultation, on arrival we will discuss, your dogs condition, lifestyle and what challenges they are currently experiencing from day to day. please bring with you any special treats they have, particularly if they have any digestive issues. After the IC we will write a full report on our findings and send this to you and your vets for their records.

Click on the following button to see our therapy conditions & treatments:-

 See Our Therapy Conditions & Treatments