Class 4 Laser:

We are excited to be using Class 4 lasers and we work with Companion Animal Health lasers. Their products and tools are supported by years of scientific stufy to deliver superb results.

What is Laser Treatment?

Photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy results are achieved when a sufficient dose of light energy reaches target tissue and results in decreased inflammation, decreased pain, and accelerated healing. Superior outcomes are easily achieved on a wide variety of conditions, making the treatment a great method for improving the quality of life for your dog.

What conditions can benefit?

Many conditions benefit from treatment, but some of the most common are:

  • Orthopaedic conditions this includes joint dysplasia, spinal condition and stifle pain.
  • Sprains/strains and fractures will all repair much quicker.
  • In post surgical situations it promotes quicker wound healing. 

Black Labrador Getting Physiotherapy

Why choose laser?

It is a non-invasive, deep penetrative supportive therapy used alongside your current prescribed treatment to provide more comfort for you dogs.

Initially, more frequent sessions may be required. Eventually sessions may become less frequent. Treatment plans need to be reviewed and be flexible as conditions can change.

We provide integrated hydrotherapy and physiotherapy treatment programs, developed specifically for your individual pet’s needs. The team comprise of NARCH and IRVAP accredited canine therapists.

If you would like to find out more or book an initial consultation, please complete our short Therapy Questionnaire by clicking here.